Greek Mythology

Greek Creation Myth of The Universe and the Origin of the Gods

Like all of the ancient mythologies, the Greek Mythology started with the Creation Myth[1]; the story that explains beginning of things, origins of life and how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. For the ancient Greeks this was their answer to the most fundamental question of existence. According to Greek poet Hesiod’s[2] epic poem The Theogony[3] the first formation, namely the beginnig of the Universe was chaos which meant uncertainty, infinite emptiness or disorder.[4] Chaos existed without form or purpose and he was made of…

Yunan Mitolojisi

İlham Perileri: Muse (Yunan Mitolojisi)

İlham Perileri veya Muse (Μοῦσαι) Yunan Mitolojisinde, Hesiod’un Theogony adlı eserine göre Zeus ile bellek tanrıçası Mnemosyne’nin kızları olan dokuz tanrıçanın ya da ilham perisinin adı olup, şair, filozof ve müzisyenlere ilham vermekteydiler.
