Zeus and Hera Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology

Zeus (Greek Mythology)

The Greek god Zeus was the sixt and last child of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus would swallow his own newborns because he feared that children would overthrow him as he did unto his father Uranus. In an effort to save her last child Zeus, Rhea gave birth in a cave and made her husband swallow a stone instead of Zeus.

Theseus from the temple of Aphaea Athena at Aegina island,Greece, about 500 BC. Munich Glyptothek
Yunan Mitolojisi

Theseus (Yunan Mitolojisi)

Yazı: Özhan Öztürk Theseus (Yunanca: Θησεύς) Yunan Mitolojisinde Atina kralı Aegeus ile Troezen kralı Pittheus’un kızı Aethra’nın oğlu, Hippolyte’ten Hippolytus, Ariadne’den Oenopion ile Staphylus, Phaedra’dan Akamas ile Demophon’n babasının adı olup, Demophon ile Akamas’un katıldığı Troya Savaşından bir kuşak önce yaşadığı sanılmaktadır (Plut. Thes. 6; Diod. iv. 59; Paus. i. 17. 3).
