Zeus and Hera Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology

Zeus (Greek Mythology)

The Greek god Zeus was the sixt and last child of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus would swallow his own newborns because he feared that children would overthrow him as he did unto his father Uranus. In an effort to save her last child Zeus, Rhea gave birth in a cave and made her husband swallow a stone instead of Zeus.

Greek Mythology Mythology

Titans (Greek Mythology)

As I mentioned before at ‘Greek Creation Myth of the Universe’ article Titans are the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). According to Hesiod’s Theogony there were 12 original Titans: the brothers Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus and the sisters Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. The mighty Titans were a powerful race that ruled the world before Olympians, in a time of the Golden Age of men. They were immortal giants of incredible strength and knowledge of old religion rituals and magic. They are also…

Yunan Mitolojisi

Titanlar (Yunan Mitolojisi)

 TİTANLAR Yunan Mitolojisi’nde başlangıçtan beri var olan tabiat güçlerinin kişileştirilmiş formu tanrısal devlerin adı olup, Gaia (Yeryüzü) ile Uranos’un (Gökyüzü) altı kız altı erkekten oluşan toplam on iki çocuğuydular[1]. Hesiod’un Theogony adlı çalışmasında Yunan yaratılış efsanesi ve tanrıların kökeni detaylı olarak verilmiş olup,  Okeanus, Koeus, Krius, Hyperion, İapetus, Kronus, Theia, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe ve Tethys adlı 12 Titan olup, sonradan Apollodorus, Dione’yi başka yazarlar Phorkys ve Demeter‘i de bu gruba eklemişlerdir. Titanlar, insanları Altın Çağ döneminde, dünyayı Olimpos tanrılarından önce yöneten güçlü bir ırktı. Onlar eski din ritüelleri ve…

greek mytgology greek gods greek goddess
Yunan Mitolojisi

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