greek mytgology greek gods greek goddess
Greek Mythology

Twelve Olympians, The 12 Olympian Gods of Mount Olympus

Twelve Olympians or The 12 Olympian Gods of Mount Olympus are the major deities of the Greek pantheon, commonly considered to be Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus. They were called Olympians because, according to tradition, they resided on Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus Zeus, who formed the third line of gods after Uranus and Cronus, began to dwell on Olympus, ruling the universe from there together with his siblings and children. The Twelve great gods of the Greeks were known…

Greek Mythology

The Creation of Humankind (Greek Mythology)

Hesiod’s Five Ages of Man The classic Greek Five Ages of Man came from an 8th century BCE poem written by a shepherd named Hesiod, who along with Homer became one of the earliest of Greek epic poets. Hesiod to write the 800-line epic poem called Works and Days. In it, Hesiod tells a Greek creation story that traces the lineage of mankind through five successive “ages” or “races” including the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Heroic Age, and the present Iron Age.

Hecate Fighting the Giant, Pergamon Altar-gigantes
Greek Mythology

Gigantes, Giants (Greek mythology)

The Gigantes (“the earth-born”) or Giants (Greek mythology) were a race of giants borne out of the battle between Uranus and Kronos. They were the sons of Gaea and Tartarus (Protogenoi). When the gods took over from the Titans, Gaia became vengeful and gave birth to the Gigantes. Hesiod mentions the Gigantes in his Theogony and provides information about them. These were the 24 giants who emerged from the blood shed on the Earth from the genitals of Uranus. Uranus was killed by Cronus in Phleora within the borders of…

Aristaeus by François Joseph Bosio (1768–1845), (Musée du Louvre)
Yunan Mitolojisi

Aristaeus (Yunan Mitolojisi)

Aristaeus (Eski Yunanca Ἀρισταῖος), Yunan Mitolojisinde kır tanrısının adı olup, Apollon ile su perisi (Nymp) Kyrene’nin oğlu, Autonoe’nin kocası ve Kharmus, Kallikarpus, Aktaeon ve Polydorus’un babasıdır (Hesiod Theog. 975).

Yunan Mitolojisi

Amphiaraus (Yunan Mitolojisi)

Amphiaraus, Amphiaraos (Eski Yunanca Ἀμφιάραος), Yunan Mitolojisi‘nde şifacılık bilgisini Melampus’tan devralan şifacı ve kâhin Argos kralı olup, Oikles ile Hypermnestra’nın oğludur.

Ortadoğu Mitolojisi

Anunnaki (Yakındoğu Mitolojisi)

Anunnaki, Mezopotamya Mitolojisi‘nde Sümer’de on iki büyük tanrıdan oluşan panteonun dışında, kimi görevlerde iş gördürülen ya da atanan yeraltı tanrıların adı olup, Anunna, Anunnake, Ennugi olarak da bilinmekteydiler.
